







  1. Phonetics(50points)


Directions: In Bach of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  1. A. game B. late     C. trade      D. have
  2. A. there B. thick    C. thank      D. thirty
  3. A. usless B. endless  C. unless     D. hopeless

4 .A. cool      B. flood    C. food      D. moon

5 .A. easy      B. noisy    C. busy      D. fantasy

Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  1. This test is designed for student   native language is not English.
  2. whose  B. whom         C.to whom        D.to whose

7.while    along the shore. I found a lot of sea shells.

  1. walk B. wall-in:        C.to walk          D. walked

8.The sweater she received in the end differed    the one she had seen online.

A.by           B.in              C. with            D. from

9.there are numerous websites on the Internet    you can learn how to cook

A that          B when          C where           D. which

10.The writer’s first book is     popular than his second one

A  so          B  less          C such            D much

11 .Tom is a careless person. He forgot    the door again when he went out yesterday

A.to lock        B. locking        C.to have locked   D. having locked

  1. We generally have four people working in the shop, but at __ periods we employ extra hands
  2. top B. rush          C. tip             D. peak
  3. It is expected that by 2049 the population of the city two million.
  4. would reach  B. will have reached   C. will be reaching   D. would have been reached
  5. As the manager of this new company, Charles lots of work and almost had no time for pleasure.
  6. took to  B. took after          C. took on        D. took off
  7. If John had entered the office ten minutes ago, he what we were talking about just now.
  8. should know  B. had known         C. would know   D. would have known
  9. Your brother Frank doesn’t eat cheese, ?
  10. is he   B. isn’t he             C. does he       D. doesn’t he
  11. Pets constant care are not suitable for people with little spare time.
  12. require   B. requiring            C. required       D. to require
  13. Newspapers, magazines, televisions and computers all fight to our attention
  14. hold   B. bring               C. carry          D. pull
  15. My friend John didn’t like my suggestion we should share the rent
  16. that     B. what                C. how           D. why
  17. The old man’s clothes, old and worn, looked clean and of good quality.

A .if              B. when                C. though        D. since

III. Cloze(30points)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


Many of us rely on our smart phones for our everyday cameras. Our phones, however, collect lots of data 21 us, and camera software can automatically make a 22 of our location when we take a photo. This is more often a potential safety 23 than a benefit.

Let’s start with the 24 . When you allow your camera to mark your location, photo management apps, 25 Apple’s Photos and Google Photos, can automatically 26 pictures into albums based on location. That’s 27 when you go on vacation and want to remember 28 you were when you took a picture.

But when you’re not traveling, 29 your location marked on photos is not great. Let’s say you just connected with 30 on a dating app and shared a photo of your dog. 31 you had the location feature turned on when you took the photo, that person could 32 the data to see where you live.

Just to be 33 , make sure the photo location feature is off by default(默认情况下). You 34 choose to turn the location feature on 35 to document your vacation, but remember to turn it off when your trip is over.

  1. A .with B. above C. about         D. besides

22 .A. note        B. choice            C. focus          D. call

  1. A. harm B. advantage C. test            D. risk
  2. A. records B. positives C. satisfactions    D. points
  3. A. of B.as C. with           D. like
  4. A. sort B. shape C. reach         D. work
  5. A. helpful B. successful          C. doubtful       D. painful
  6. A. which B. where             C. why           D. how
  7. A. letting B. hiding C. having         D. allowing
  8. A. none B. everyone           C. anyone        D. someone
  9. A. If B. Though            C. Unless         D. Whether
  10. A. edit B. analyze            C. copy           D. erase
  11. A. happy B. easy               C .safe           D. active
  12. A. might not B. might           C. must not        D. must
  13. A. quickly B. permanently        C. temporarily     D. slowly


  1. Reading Comprehension (60 points)

Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


When my daughter first began competing in school chess tournaments. I often chatted with other parents. Sometimes, I’d ask if they played chess, themselves. Usually, the reply was no. When I volunteered that I was learning to play, their tone was cheerfully joking: “Good luck with that !”, If this game is so good for kids, why are adults ignoring it? Seeing someone playing smart phone games. I wanted to say, “why are you haring your kids do chess while you do that?”

Sure, we parents had work to do, work that helped pay for the lessons our kids’ were enjoy. But, I also wondered if we were sending a subtle message, that learning was for the young. During one tournament ,I saw a group of parents. They were playing chess! Just then ,a group of kids passed me: “why are adults learning chess? “One asked, in a vaguely teasing tone.

I was tired of sitting on the sidelines. I wanted in, And that is how I got a membership card and started throwing myself in. Early on, I was nervous, even master can sometimes play badly, as one Grandmaster(国际象棋大师) put it” “a fan never. “And fan I was. It was three hours of concentration and thinking, within phone off .It felt like a gym for the brain.

Being a beginner can be hard at any age, but it gets harder. The Phrase “adult beginner “has an air gentle pity. It implies the learning of something that you should have perhaps already learned.

36.what can we learn about other parents from their remarks in para 1?

  1. they were indifferent to about learners
  2. they agreed on the idea of learning chess
  3. they gave congratulations to the adult lessons
  4. they thought it odd for an adult to learn chess

37.what was a group of parents doing one tournament in para.2()

  1. playing chess
  2. enjoying cheatting
  3. watching kid play chess
  4. helping kids with their lessons

38.Which of the following is closes in meaning to “sitting the sidelines” in para 3.

A Not being noticed

B Expressing vague ideas

C Not being involved.

D Following what others do.

39.What did writer think of his experience of learning to play chess?

  1. It helped him remain calm.
  2. It helped him train his brain.
  3. It made him proud of himself

D .It made him question himself.


There’s an old fixed understanding about the difference between cats and days Dogs are loving and loyal, while cats are aloof and in different. Most cat people. However, probadly disagree. Overall, cat research suggests cats do from emotional bands with their owners. Cats seen to experience separation anxiety, respond to their owners’ voices more than to strangers’ and look for can fort when scared.

But a new study reveals a more complicated picture of our relationship with cats.      Adapting a method previously used to study dogs. the scientists found cats-unlike dogs-don’t avoid strangers who refuse to help their owners. This doesn’t mean that the cats in this study were selfish, but they simply didn’t understand how human beings respond to each other. They weren’t aware that some of the strangers were being unhelpful.

In an experiment, a cat watched as her owner tried to open a box to get at something inside. Two strangers sat on either side of the owner and the owner turned to one of them and asked for help. In “helper” trials, the stranger helped the owner to open the box. In “non-helper” trials, the stranger refused. The other stranger sat passively, doing nothing. Then, both strangers offered the cat a treat, and the scientists watched to see which stranger the cat approached first. Did she prefer to take food from a helpful stranger over a passive one? Or did she avoid taking food from the non-helper?

When this method was used to test dogs. they showed a clear preference. The dogs preferred not to take food from a stranger who refused to help their owner. In contrast, the eats in the study were completely indifferent. They showed no preference for the helpful person and no avoidance(避开) of the unhelpful person. Apparently, as far as cats are concerned food is food.

What should we take from this? An attractive conclusion would be that cats are selfish and don’t care about how their owners are treated at all. This is an example of human-centered thinking of animals. To really understand cats, we have to get out of this view and think of them as cats.

  1. what do most cat people probably disagree with according to para 1.
  2. Cats are strange B. Cats are loving C. Cats are caring   D. Cats are cold
  3. what does most research above cats show
  4. They don’t need their owners’ attention.
  5. They are emotionally attached to their owners.
  6. They don’t experience separation anxiety as days do.
  7. They respond to their owner’s voices less than days do.

42.what can be learned from the study?

  1. cats take food no matter who feeds them
  2. Cats refuse food from unhelpful strangers
  3. Dogs refuse food from these who anger them
  4. Dogs take food no matter how they are treated

43.What should we do to better understand cats, according to the last paragraph ?

  1. To treat them as fiends
  2. To compare the with dogs
  3. To regard them as animals
  4. To care about their behavior